Enemies of the earth as a whole

Global warming is maby not an established fact to some people...

But might I remind some people of the world that it´s stupid to act irresponsibly with our planet.  Relying on our children to find the answers for today´s problems is not always prudent. Even though it´s not totally proven that we´re causing the climate change, that doesn´t mean we can just ignore the possibility.

I understand today´s politcian a bit too well. Today´s solution, tomorrow´s problem...I´m sorry to say, that is one of the biggest problems with politicians today. I hear alot of this line in movies ', the word "apology" get´s thrown alot these days', I´m going to add to it: 'the "word "consequence", seem´s to have only a bit of contemporary effect on today´s politician'.

What dare I ask the politicans, to you expect the world´s population to do?
ignore the problems? with the argument: they´ll probably resolve themselves with time. Yeah...the pain of emotion´s maby resides(goes away), with time...and the scar of the enviromental damage that the human kind is causing right now might heal with time (in some cases in only a few hundred years).

Maby, maby...our children will find the solution, maby not...but I suppose the today´s politican doesn´t really care what people think about them after they´re dead.

This article is written in response to another: 




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1 Smámynd: Jóhann Kristjánsson

sæll Kristján,ég tók eftir að þú kommentaðir á síðunni minni:). ég kemst því miður ekki á bekkjamótið að þessu sinni. mikið að gera í heyskap og svona. en heyrðu hringdu endilega í mig við tækifæri:) það væri gaman að spjalla við þig og rifja upp gamla tíma... nr mitt er 847-1686 og 463-1217. auðveldara að ná í mig í gsm þar sem ég er lítið inni við. heyrumst karlinn:)

Jóhann Kristjánsson, 15.8.2007 kl. 21:21

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Kristján Haukur Magnússon
Kristján Haukur Magnússon
Eðistræðinemandi við Háskóla Íslands. Tenór við kór sama skóla. Virkur og í stjórn MUN(Model United Nations) Eng:Physics student at the University of Iceland. Tenor at the university chorus. Active in the Model United Nations sociaty.
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