2.5.2006 | 02:50
This was a very enjoyful experience.
I started with a long flight from Iceland, it took me 10 hours to get from my home and to my hostel, Euro-hostel.
Before the actual MUN we always do a lot of stuff. In FinMUN 2006 we started with a trip to Turku , the original capital of Finland. Until the Swedes decided otherwise. We boarded the train from Helsinki via Turku. When we got there we got a nice tour of the city. We went to the city council house, where the citys representive gave us a lecture about how important and nice to live, Turku is. He even gave us wine(red&white), some finnish delicies, and a long book about Turku. Which regratfully I forgot in the bus. But I´m sure if anyone from FinMUN reads this, they´ll send me another copy :). We got to the Hostel, where I was in the room, with, Ramil(Azerbajidan), Barry(Ireland) and Pebe. Afterwards we went to check out the nightlife in Turku. We got a almost empty place at first. Which appearntly was not common for this particular place, but was ok. The most important thing is we had fun. We tried a couple of places, most of them good. Afterwards we went home and got some sleep, like at 4-5 am.
The next day we went back to Helsinki. Where I met my other co-delegate, Vera, which I knew from IceMUN. Marta was in the Turku-trip. Now, we went to Nuuksio.
Saunas, 4 hours is maby a little too much for me but still it was an experience. A little sommerhouse village, where we had one of the big houses. I was in a room with a german boy, Christian, two swedes, Tobias and Stefan, a french guy, Rafael, let me know if I´m forgetting someone. In the cabin, we drank, talked and got to know each other. All ready I felt bonded with some of the people. We went for a sauna, girls first, then boys, then mixed. The girls were a little shy of having a mixed sauna, which was natural for an international group. Me, Jani, Varði, Alex and Magnus went for another sauna. Where we went out and rolled in the snow. It felt ackward at first to be naked in front of all the people but then I got used to it, that is the people could see us from the window. After a little while, like 4 am, we got hungry. So Varði drove us to the city where we bought something to eat and drove back. Now the time was a bit late(5:30), so we went to sleep. The next day. We went back to the city.
First we all split up to go to our individual hostels, hotels or home accodamations. I got home. Slept a little. Then went out...
this blog will continue
Bloggar | Breytt 3.5.2006 kl. 12:40 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
30.4.2006 | 00:00
Það sem gerðist síðasta mánuðinn
Í enda febrúar þá fór ég á FinMUN, sem var algjört æði...blandaðar saunur, rúlla sér úti í snjónum, drekka "the nordic highway" sem eru 6-8 skot, auk þess náttúrlega að djamma heilmikið og tala við skemmtilegt fólk. Mars leið og lífið gekk sinn gang og ég var í skólanum, kórnum og djammaði. Síðan í byrjun apríl þá fór ég á IscoMUN, þar var farið í blandaða saunu, djammað í Osló og haft gaman af. Síðan var ferðinni heitið til Ástralíu, það var alveg helvíti gaman að sjá hana. Þótt ég hati virkilega að vera í flugvél heilan sólarhring(fyrir utan að bíða í Gardenomen(Osló), Heathrow(London) og í Singapore. Perth er svona týpísk fjölskylduborg með hverfi eins og Northbridge og lítinn bæ fyrir utan Perth sem heitir Freemantle þar sem fjörið gengur á eftir kl 8. En flest þetta fólk rís upp þegar sólin kemur upp kl 6 og fer að sofa kl 8. Sirka 2 klst eftir að sólin er farin. Síðan eftir Perth þá fórum við pabbi til Singapore í 3 daga. Mjög fín borg og allt það, í fyrsta sinn á ævi minni leið mér eins og minnihluti. Indverjar, kínverjar, tælendingar o.s.frv og o.s.frv., þótt að það sé náttúrlega hvítt fólk þarna líka bara mikill minnihluti. Var þó minnst um svarta þarna. Nú er maður kominn heim og prófin að byrja, helling eftir að gera. Önnur Finnlandsferð framundan eftir prófin með kórnum og get ekki beðið.
English translation:
In the end of february I went to FinMUN,(MUN=Model United Nations) which was a total blast...mixed saunas, rolling in the snow, drinking the nordic highway which is about 6-8 shots, besides of course partying as no tommorrow and talking to fun people. March passed and life went on, schoolwork etc, then in the beginning of april I went to IscoMUN in Oslo where we went to mixed Saunas, partying in Oslo and were entertained. Then the course was set to Australia, which was very nice to see. Even though I hate wasting a whole 24 hrs in a plane. Perth was a typical family-orianted city with two party neighbourhoods, the little town Freemantle and Northbridge, where the party starts at 8. But normally people wake up at 6 am with the sun and go to sleep at 6-8 pm when the sun sets. Then me and my dad went to Singapore where we spent 3 days...where in the first time of my life I felt like a minority. Chinese, Indian, Thailandese etc,etc, there were white people, just a very small minority. There were almost no black people in Singapore, quite surprisingly. Now I´m home, back in Iceland. The exams are starting, alot to do. Another trip to Finland, this time with my chorus and I can hardly wait.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:06 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Um bloggið
Checking the world out, my way
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Model UN
Model United Nations
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- SweMUN happens in Uppsala
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- IscoMUN Happens in Oslo
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- Háskólakórinn Heimasíða kórsins
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